activity-manager /
@Kilian Riou Kilian Riou on 23 Jun 2021 1 KB Fix changelog
# Changelog
This file describe all changes of each updates on the website

## Release dates
|       Date | Number | Type    | Version                   |
| 2021-03-31 |      1 | Release | [v1.0.0](#Release-v1.0.0) |
| 2021-03-31 |      2 | Hotfix  | [v1.0.1](#Hotfix-v1.0.1)  |
| 2021-03-31 |      3 | Hotfix  | [v1.0.2](#Hotfix-v1.0.2)  |
| 2021-04-06 |      4 | Release | [v1.0.3](#Release-v1.0.3) |
| 2021-04-13 |      5 | Release | [v1.0.4](#Release-v1.0.4) |
| 2021-04-16 |      6 | Release | [v1.0.5](#Release-v1.0.5) |
| 2021-05-17 |      7 | Release | [v1.1.0](#Release-v1.1.0) |
| 2021-06-23 |      8 | Release | [v1.1.1](#Release-v1.1.1) |

## Changes
### Release v1.0.0
First viable version

### Hotfix v1.0.1
#### Fix
- README update
- update.bat

### Hotfix v1.0.2
#### Fix
- InvalidEnumKeyException namespace

### Release v1.0.3
#### Feature
- Filter in activity view
- Links between tables

#### Fix
- Activity form
- Typo on nav

### Release v1.0.4
#### Feature
- Add date filter to activity view

#### Improve
- Smaller text in table header
- Add postponed status

#### Fix
- Cache clear in update.bat
- Cache clear in README

### Release v1.0.5
#### Feature
- Add licencing

#### Improve
- Add unassigned filter to activities

#### Fix
- Doctrine deprecation
- Activity filter does not shows unassigned activities

### Release v1.1.0
#### Feature
- Add tasks

#### Improve
- Move columns in activity table
- Reditect to activity after creating one
- Add canceled status

### Release v1.1.1
#### Feature
- Task filter

#### Improve
- Page layout
- Show only active followed task on home page
- When adding a task to an activity, the actor is set by default with the activity one

#### Fix
- Card
- Deleting activities does not delete task
- Canceled status is not considered as "closed" in filters

### Next
#### Fix
- Fix changelog